Tuesday, 13 November 2012



The professional esthetician must always create a good first impression when meeting a client, and that first good impression should be a lasting one. You cannot create a good visual impression if you have neglected your posture and your physical appearance. Good posture and proper body alignment add to your sense of well-being because they allow your internal organs to function properly. You will look more confident and your clothes will fit better.

Correct posture is vitality important to your body because it helps to prevent fatigue, improves your personal appearance, and permits graceful movements. Good posture is an important part of personal care.Regular exercises keeps the muscles of the body in good condition and assist I forming the habit of good posture. Practice trains the muscles to hold the body correctly. Good posture is a matter of habit. Avoid slouching, humped shoulders, and spinal curvature while working.To walk and stand correctly, and to attain good body balance, distribute your body weight properly.People who are on their feet for long hours should stand with their feet close enough together so that the body weight is distributed onto the balls of the feet rather than onto the heels. Standing with the feet side by side tends to throw the body out of alignment, causing fatigue. When one foot (either the left or right) is placed slightly ahead of the other, it is easier to balance the body weight. Good balance, muscle control, and coordination of the hands and feet help to prevent fatigue.

This is the basic (at ease) stance for men and women:
  • Turn the left foot out at a forty-five degree angle.
  • Point the right foot straight ahead with the heel at the instep of the left foot. 
  • The right foot may also be placed several inches ahead of the left.Keep both knees slightly flexed with the right knee bent inward.

The basic stance enables you to shift your weight from one foot to another easily. The basic stance is helpful when you are standing in one position for any length of time, because it helps to prevent fatigue. Keep your entire body in alignment, thus preventing the fatigue, headaches, and backaches.

Back Strain
Poor posture – Don’t place the feet side by side when it is necessary to bend over.
Correct Posture – keep the knees flexed when standing.

Comfort for the client and esthetician – The esthetician’s chair should be adjusted to a height that is comfortable.

The spine is divided into three sections. The first seven vertebrae, the cervicals, support the head. The second section is composed of the middle twelve thoracic vertebrae. The third section of the spine is known as the lumbar region and has five lumbar vertebrae.

An exaggerated inward curve of the spine is called lordosis or swayback. When the thoracic curve is exaggerated and affects the shoulders it is called kyphosis or humpback. Scoliosis means a lateral (toward or from the side) deviation of the spine. When an abnormality of the spine is suspected, or when there is persistent pain any area of the back, you should see your physician without delay.

Body Postures
Normal erect postureStiff-rigid posture and stiff knees.
Swayback or lordosis
Humped shoulders or kyphosis
Deviation of the spine or scoliosis

Good posture rules:
Carry the weight on the balls of your feet, not on the heels. Imagine a plumb-line falling from your shoulder, and stand.Keep your knees flexed.Keep your shoulders back.Hold your abdomen in.Hold your head high. This gives you the appearance of confidence and reduces aching shoulders as well.

Advantages of good posture:
It gives a feeling of confidence.Good posture helps build good health by allowing the inner organs room to function properly."standing tall" helps to improve your speech by freeing the power-source of your voice, the diaphragm.Proper body alignment contributes to a dynamic personality.

Correct Sitting Posture
Place your feet on the floor directly under your knees.Have the seat of the chair even with your knees.Allow your feet to carry the weight of your thighs. Rest the weight of your torso on the thigh bones, not on the end of your spine.Keep your torso erect.Make sure your chair is at the height so that the upper and lower parts of your arm form a right angle when you are working.Correct sitting position is important because it helps avoid general fatigue and back strain. Sit with the lower back against the chair, leaning slightly forward while giving a service. If a stool is used, sit on the entire stool. Keep chest up.To avoid back strain while reading, writing, or studying, whether it be in school, business, or at home, sit well back in the chair. Do not sit in a slouching position at any time.

Correct Lifting Technique
When you lift something heavy, be sure to use the weight lifter’s method, or lift with the heavy thigh muscles, never the back muscles.

Correct Stooping Or Technique
To pick up an article from the floor:Place your feet close together.Keep your back perpendicular to the floor as you bend your knees.Lift with the muscles of your legs and buttocks, not with the back.

When you must place your hands in harsh solutions, wear plastic or rubber gloves.Use a protective hand cream or lotion after washing your hands and at bedtime.Keep the cuticles pushed back. Use a cream or oil to keep cuticles soft. Push back the cuticles with a soft cloth after washing your hands.Nails should not be too long and never pointed. Nails that are too long can interfere with your work, and you run the risk of scratching the client.If you bite or pick your nails, you must break this habit.

Poorly fitted shoes are often responsible for poor posture, malformed feet, and aching backs. Women should avoid extreme high heels because the weight of the body is thrown forward. Well fitted shoes give the body support and balance which help to maintain good posture. Keep the toenails filed smooth. Corns, bunions or ingrown nails should receive care from a chiropodist. Sensible shoes that support the arch will help prevent fatigue. Giving the feet a few minutes daily care is essential to good posture and good health. Healthy feet help produce a more pleasing personality.

Normal And Weak Arches
A normal footprint is narrow in the middle and wide at the heel and at the toes. Good arches are characteristic of the normal footprint. A weak foot is caused by a weak arch. Its footprint is wider in the middle than a normal footprint. Fallen arches or flat feet is a common foot ailment. The flat foot leaves a footprint that is almost the same width throughout its entire length. Weak and flat feet may be eased by means of massage, exercise, or the wearing of arch supports and proper shoes, after consultation with a foot specialist.

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